Bright Futures Team-payment options

Payment Options

Our practice is not affiliated with insurance providers. By avoiding pre-negotiated rates, diagnosis mandates, limits on visits, and other arbitrary requirements, we can provide our patients with the best and most comprehensive care.

We offer competitive rates and accept all major credit cards, checks, and HSA/FSA. We can also provide a Superbill for potential out-of-network reimbursement. Please note that we do not work directly with insurance companies and cannot guarantee reimbursement of services if you turn in Superbills. While we will make reasonable efforts to make sure insurance companies have the necessary information, we do not engage with insurance companies or participate in audits.

Good Faith Estimate

As a client, you have the right to be informed of all charges prior to billing taking place. At Bright Futures, there will be no surprise billing.

Many services are provided at our hourly rate either weekly or every other week, depending on the level of service that was decided on between you and your therapist.

Autism evaluations and assessments for speech and language are also available, and depending on the type of assessment, you will be informed of the total cost during the time of scheduling.

If you would like a Good Faith Estimate specific to you situation, you can request one directly from your therapist.